Ingo Swann / Secrets of Power
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Lime Tote Bag - 20" x 15" x 5"
100% Heavy Cotton Canvas
Ingo Swann was a prominent American psychic research subject, parapsychologist, author and artist. Swann studied at Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah, receiving a double bachelor’s degree in biology and art. Swann’s active participation in parapsychology research began in 1969 when he was 36 years old. During the next twenty years he worked only in controlled laboratory settings with scientific researchers. Although he lectured widely on the importance of psychic faculties and potentials, he has never publicly demonstrated his abilities. Because of his participation in hundreds of thousands of experimental trials, author Martin Ebon wrote of him as “parapsychology’s most tested guinea pig,” and Psychic News and other media often refer to him as “the scientific psychic.”
During the 1950s and 1960s, because of psychic potentials partly evident in childhood, he became actively interested in occult and parapsychological literature and in a variety of novel mind-development programs which took positive approaches to the enhancement of ESP potentials. Swann early distinguished between psychic phenomenon and psychic mind-dynamic processes. He especially noticed that while parapsychology researched the existence of paranormal phenomena (such as ESP, telepathy, and psychokinesis), there was little interest in the mental processes involved in producing evidence of them. From this distinction he slowly developed unique theoretical approaches to process enhancement of psi perceptions, which was in keeping with ancient descriptions of Siddhis as found in various Eastern Yoga literature and Abraham Maslow’s developmental abilitism theories.
In 1970 Swann experimented with Cleve Backster in attempting to influence plants by mental activity. In 1971 psychokinetic experiments involved successfully influencing temperature recorded in a controlled setting devised by parapsychologists Gertrude Schmeidler and Larry Lewis at City College, New York. This involved PK effects upon target thermistors (temperature measuring devices) in insulated thermos bottles at a distance of 25 feet from Swann.
Swann was also the subject of experiments in out-of-body travel, or psychic perception at a distance. These took place during 1971 at the American Society for Psychical Research. They involved Swann sitting in a chair and attempting to project his consciousness into sealed boxes on a small platform several feet above his head, in which there was a target symbol completely shielded from view. Swann was monitored by electrodes that would have recorded any movement from the chair. Under these difficult laboratory conditions, Swann nevertheless scored significant successes in describing the targets. In one test he was actually able to state correctly that a light that should have illuminated the target was inoperative. There was no normal way of ascertaining this fact without opening the box.
In 1972, at the American Society for Psychical Research, Swann began suggesting experimental protocols to test for the existence of mind-dynamic processes that would enhance ESP and he coined the term “remote viewing” to describe the experiments in which viewers would view a location given nothing but its geographical coordinates, which was developed and tested by Puthoff and Targ with CIA funding. Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly using extrasensory perception (ESP) or "sensing" with the mind.
One of the first most remarkable experiments involved a successful attempt to influence the stable magnetic field of a super-cooled Josephson junction inside a quark detector (a complex apparatus designed to detect subatomic particles). The apparatus was completely inaccessible, being encased in aluminum and copper containers and buried in five feet of concrete. When Swann mentally visualized the hidden target, significant variations were recorded in sine waves. This PK effect was reported at a conference on quantum physics and parapsychology.
On April 27, 1973, in another extraordinary experiment, Swann “visited” the planet Jupiter in a joint “psychic probe” shared by fellow psychic Harold Sherman. Swann’s drawings made during the experiment showed a ‘ring’ of tiny asteroids around the planet which scientists at the time said did not exist. The existence of the ring was later scientifically confirmed in 1979.
From the first experiments, Swann was increasingly considered a very unique test subject because, at the command of the experimenters, he could reproduce and sustain the desired effects over time at a significant rate of success. Throughout the history of parapsychology, other test subjects had been temporarily or spontaneously successful. But these subjects typically suffered from the well-known “decline effect” or “psi-missing effect” which statistically erased the successes, and thus permitted skeptics to believe that the successes were due to some outside factor other than claimed human psi abilities.
Ingo was also a self-taught artist who worked mostly in oil paintings. His artworks express his passion for exploring the mysteries of the Universe and recapture his visions from leaving his body, remote viewing, and seeing auras. Starting in the late 1950s with his first still life painting and continuing through to his last work of art, Cosmic Intelligence, Ingo’s art periods mirror his own journey. From student to visionary, cosmic and later metaphysical artist, Ingo’s goal was to transcend the ordinary into an art form that conveyed an advancing frontier of experience.
Most books and articles written after 1973 about parapsychology and psychic matters refer to Swann’s work in some way. Many analysts of science and parapsychology generally concede that his work and the high levels of official sponsorship it obtained gradually influenced positive reevaluations of the validity of psi in human experiencing.
In July 1995 the CIA declassified, and approved for release, documents revealing its sponsorship in the 1970s of a program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, to determine whether such phenomena as remote viewing "might have any utility for intelligence collection". Thus began disclosure to the public of a two-decade-plus involvement of the intelligence community in the investigation of so-called parapsychological or psi phenomena. One of the documents released was on project “SUN STREAK” which refined the process of teaching Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) to the degree that individuals possessing no known “natural psychic abilities” can be taught to remote view with extreme accuracy in a relatively short time period. The training program was divided into 6 stages with each stage increasing the scope and ability of the viewer.
In the document it is said that the basic theory of how CRV works is very logical and is easily comprehended even by a “non-psychic”. It goes on to explain that somewhere in the unconscious mind there exists what they label “the Matrix” which knows no boundaries or limitations and contains all information about all things. The Matrix has within it “Patterns” - think of these as points within a 3D box and these Patterns each possess and radiate their own energy. This energy is emitted in the form of a signal or “signal line” which is particular to that specific pattern. This Pattern in the Matrix has other names such as “Thought Ball” or “Gestalt”. A Gestalt can be described as the Pattern and all of its associated patterns. “Cognitrons” are a pattern product existing in the unconscious mind, created by the interaction between neurons and synapses, after either a physical or emotional event.
A practical explanation of training theory and how Cognitrons apply to learning could be accomplished using the example of an athlete. An athlete practices to reach a training objective, this objective could be skill related, like a wrestling move. The move is rehearsed time and time again until it is done correctly or until significant improvement is made and then training is ended to allow for the formulation of Cognitrons in the athletes memory. These Cognitrons will enable the athlete to accomplish the task spontaneously the next time the move is attempted, the same is true of psychic training.
Clarification of this growing list of terms and definitions can be accomplished by walking through the process to this point. The monitor will read the viewer a set of encrypted coordinates e.g., 31° 42’E and 20° 16’N. In very basic terms, the viewer’s Autonomic Nervous System will respond to energy produced by the “Gestalt” or “Pattern”, and this response will manifest itself on the Idiogram. It is this registration on the Idiogram that indicates that the viewer is receiving the signal line of the Gestalt. The viewer will begin receiving impressions or perceptions of the target area (site) keyed to the specific issues he is concerned with e.g., structure, terrain, emotions etc.
When Speaking of “the Matrix” or of “Gestalts” and the related “Patterns”, these terms are dealing with information which exists in energy form in the unconscious mind. The purpose of CRV training was to enable the viewer to extract the information from the unconscious and bring it into the conscious mind where it can be used for whatever intended purpose. All information and perceptions drawn from the unconscious must be processed through the “limen” thresholds or the conscious mind will not be able to receive it. This transfer or passage of information is accomplished through the use of “conduits” or “channels” which permit various types of sensory information to pass through.
There are a number of inhibitors called “physical inclemencies”, which shut down a viewer's ability to pass information from the unconscious to the conscious or awareness. Each viewer has only a specific number of channels of conduit available in which to pass information thru the limen thresholds separating the levels of consciousness. If inordinate numbers of these channels are clogged with other functions e.g., survival (movement), sickness, fatigue, hunger etc., then the viewer's ability to pass information will be greatly impaired. In order for a viewer to be effective the greatest number of these channels possible must be made available - viewing when sick, hungry etc. was not recommended. What has been discussed here is theory, much cannot be explained, measured or quantified to the standards demanded by the scientific community. While analytical data may not be in abundance to support this theory, session reports and historical and experimental data exist to substantiate the fact that CRV is a reality.
In Swann’s book Secrets of Power, he discusses the enormous amount of discovered data, information, and knowledge out there that is avoided, forbidden, made taboo, swept under carpets, or simply trashed. He says brain researchers say that we use only ten to fifteen percent of our brains and that it’s also quite possible that we use only ten to fifteen percent of discovered knowledge. One may ask what these two somewhat unexplainable discrepancies have to do with power. Well, he says it's entirely possible that we know only ten to fifteen percent about the nature of power, and that we utilize only ten to fifteen percent of our innate powers. He wonders why a species equipped to function at higher percentages of everything should remain confined to ten percept performance.
In the intro to Secrets of Power II he says, “Most books about power only deal with the societal formula of the few having power over the enormously larger powerless masses, and which is mistaken as the so-called “natural order of power.” But it is not well understood that this formula also requires social conditioning measures aimed at perpetuating the continuing depowerment of the powerless so that the powerful CAN have power over them. This in turn requires the societal suppression and secretizing of all knowledge about the superlative human powers known to exist in individuals of the human species, but which are socially forced into latency in most. It is broadly understood that power and secrecy go together, but the scope of the “web” of secrets surrounding the larger nature of human power(s) is surprising. As discussed in Volume I of SECRETS OF POWER, empowerment is difficult if the larger panorama of societal power and depowerment are not more fully understood.
Any desire for more individual empowerment will soon encounter the question of WHAT to empower. There are many ways to consider this. One way is first to identify human power elements that are known to exist, but DO NOT receive societal nurturing, enhancement, training, scientific research, or philosophical interest. In-depth research will reveal at least five major categories of these power elements, one such category consisting of the aware powers innate in everyone of our species. The direct relationship between the spectrum of aware powers and increases of power is self-evident. The direct relationship between less or no awareness and less or no power is also self-evident.
Most societal power structures do not encourage too much development of any aware and related powers, and, via societal programming of punishment, some structures force them into latency altogether. One basic reason is that too much awareness erodes the efficiency of walls of secrecy that support the elite of most power structures, whether large or small. Most are familiar with the awareness they have. But few are familiar with the awarenesses they don't have, but which anyway innately exist within their otherwise amazing information systems.”