Proceeds will be sent to groups working to protect kids separated from their families by ICE

Group 15 investigates experimental networks that consider and support the exchange of ideas and melding of artists from disparate environments. We look to centers and nodes of networks that promote a spirit of "international consciousness".
Sonic Youth - Death Valley '69 @ Desolation Center
Vile Magazine / File Magazine
Lucy R. Lippard / New York Correspondence School
John Lautner / Body Double
Tuning Circuits
Fillou & Brecht / The Eternal Network
Ships w/ Group 15 Boot Journal - Five 1.5" x 2.5" temporary tattoos.

Robert Filliou invented the notion of ‘The Eternal Network’ in the early 60’s along with George Brecht who helped develop the concept, and the artistic practice of telepathy. Telepathy was central to the Eternal Network, especially for Filliou whom also developed a related series of Telepathic Music artworks. Brecht and Filliou developed the idea of an eternal network of co-operating artists, as part of their involvement in Fluxus.

Seule la Fête est Permanente, is a phrase that the artist gives in English as, “The Eternal Network is Everlasting” but in French it carries several additional readings including, only the party is permanent, or, alone the celebration continues… Filliou with the artist George Brecht, ran a collaborative space for three years, a “Center for Permanent Creation” in Villefranche-sur-Mer, a sun drenched village on the Cote d’Azur where, among other things, Jean Cocteau painted a marvelous chapel for the fishermen. Filliou began working with art in the 1950s associating with many creatives that included Marcel Broodthaers, George Brecht, Ben Patterson and George Maciunas of Fluxus. Filliou’s philosophic, poetic and unpretentious works of concept art transmit a kind of jubilant pleasure in their ideas, rendered in a variety of materials that often feel childlike, and genuine.

This 1968 crystallisation of The Eternal Network was reviewed five years later by Filliou in FILE magazine’s September 1973 issue.